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Assessment and Promotion Criteria
Session 2023-24
Classes VIII

Guidelines of Examination and Promotion for Class V has been issued by the Directorate of Education, Delhi.

Regular Assessment of students will be done throughout the Academic Session as per the weightage of marks given in the table:

Internal Assessment


Term End Examination



Attendance of Student

Subject Enrichment

Project Based Activities
(C )


Multiple Assessment

Periodic Test


Mid Term Examination

Annual Examination















  • Mid Term and Annual Examination will be conducted for 60 marks each.
  • Question papers for the Mid Term Examinations will be set out of the syllabus of the First Term.
  • Question papers for the Annual Examinations will be set out of the whole syllabus covered in First Term and Second Term.

Parameters of Internal Assessment (30 Marks)

1) Attendance of Student (5 Marks)

Attendance Range in Percentage






Up to 75








2) Subject Enrichment (5 Marks)
These are subject specific application activities aimed at enrichment of the understanding and skill development.

3) Project Based Activities (5 Marks)
These activities facilitate the development of key skills like Identification of Problems, Logical Thinking, Creativity, Inference Making and Problem Solving in real world.

4) Portfolio (5 Marks)
It is a collection of students’ work representing a selection of performances that is assembled over time and describes the students’ efforts, progress, growth & achievements in key areas.

5) Multiple Assessments (5 Marks)
It is aimed at evaluating the performance of the students more comprehensively and provide flexibility to use multiple and diverse techniques to assess them.

6) Periodic Tests (5 Marks)
The pattern of Periodic Tests will be same as the Term End Examination. One Periodic Test will be conducted in each Term for 30 marks

Co-Scholastic Areas

For the Holistic development of the students the co-scholastic activities like Physical Education / Yoga / Health & Well Being / Self-Defence, Work Education / SUPW, Art/Craft Education and Social & Emotional Skills will be graded on 3 point grading scale(A to C) -  
A=Outstanding      B=Very Good       C=Fair

General Guidelines

Passing Criteria

1) In order to be declared “Pass” at the end of the session for promotion to the next higher class, a student must secure at least 33% marks in each subject studied by him/her during the session.
2) The promotion to the next higher class will also be subject to the condition that a minimum of 25 % of marks be scored in each subject in Annual Examination.
3) Grace Marks up to maximum of 10 marks in all (not more than 5 marks in one subject) shall be awarded to a student to reach the minimum required 33% of marks in each subject provided that a minimum of 25% of marks are secured in each subject in Annual Examination.
4) Students entitled for Grace Marks will be declared 'Promoted' at the end of the session.

Re - Examination

1) A candidate who appears in Annual Examination can be declared eligible for appearing for the Re- Examination in all the failing subject(s). 
2) Re- Examination will be conducted on the same syllabus and pattern of Annual Examination.
3) Marks obtained in Internal Assessment will be carried forward and added with the marks obtained by the student in the Re- Examination.
4) In order to be declared “Pass” in Re – Examination a student will have to secure at least 25 % marks in the subject(s) in which he/she has taken the Re-Examination.

Criteria For Essential Repeat (ER)

If a student does not secure at least 25 % marks in the subject(s) in which he/she has taken the Re- Examination or does not appear in the Re- Examination, he/she will be placed in the category of “Essential Repeat”.

Rules regarding Absence during Examination

Absence in the examination or part thereof without medical certificate, (to be submitted within three working days of the date of absence) will be considered as wilful absence and no mark, credit or allowance will be given.

Attendance Criteria

Student will not be eligible to appear in Annual Examination if he/she has not put in at least 75% actual attendance of the total attendance.

Points to be noted:

  1. It is compulsory for the students to appear in all Assessments. However, if a student remains absent on any Assessment Day due to unavoidable circumstances or medical reasons, parents are requested to inform the school reception or mail at the school email ID (itlschool@yahoo.in) on the very same day at the earliest.
  2. Re-Examination will be conducted only in the case of genuine Medical Emergencies/ On Duty/ marriage in first relation. In case of marriage prior approval is must (a copy of wedding card to be attached).
  3. Any Application/ Medical certificate with a request letter should be submitted within one week of the leave taken, after which it will not be accepted and the student will be marked absent and awarded Zero.

NOTE: Assessment of Classes VI & VII will be done on the same examination pattern as of class VIII.

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